Monday, January 3, 2011

Some wardrobe ideas…

So I have some ideas about my minimalist wardrobe. I have a couple of patterns that I think may work.

Simplicity 2373 has a dress, pants, and bolero-type jacket. I’m not the greatest seamstress, so I’ll probably make a test outfit to see if it will work for me. I found some cute material for cheap at Goodwill that should work.


I also have a cute dress pattern from McCall’s (M6027). If I make a dress from that pattern it will be the less full style though.


I did a teensy bit of poking around today and found some possible sources for a few other wardrobe necessities as well, but I will wait to post links till I check out a few more things and hopefully have some of my wardrobe gathered together first.

The most awesome thing I found out today though was that Scottevest has a women’s trench coat planned. Granted, it’s not EXACTLY the style I was going for…but the coolest thing is I posted on their Facebook wall about what I was hoping for and they actually listened!! I’d love to have one of their coats as my basic coat…they are WAY cool!!

Anyway, yes…today’s blog post was light on content and posted just before bedtime…but hey, at least I DID post, right?!!

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