So, I am taking a bit of a break from Crossings...we'll see how that goes. It may last a couple weeks or a month, but I just needed to quit spending so much of my time there and concentrate on the real world. I might not even miss it, who knows? It was a big part of my life the last couple of years and I'll definately always like it simply for the fact that it's where Brack and I met, but I don't know. Lately it seems I'm just growing away from the whole forum thing. I haven't posted on tehbean in a couple months (nobody has, really). I've been once on the curlygirl forum to look up something specific and been a couple times on the renaissancefestival forum to look at pics and ask a couple questions. The other 3-4 forums I used to frequent, I haven't even been on in months!! Anywho...the few ladies I'd most miss from the MWF are Facebook friends anyway (and some are Xanga bloggers too) and there's always chat if I can get on the compy those it's still all good!!
Speaking of compy stuff, though...I just found out that Ringo is shutting down at the end of the month!! Yikes!! Where will I post all my pictures now...and more importantly, where do I move all the existing pictures to? I could use Flickr cause I already have an account on there, but I'd have to go pro. I've also heard different people liking Picasa and Photobucket. Then there is always the option of just creating albums on Facebook (which would definately streamline things and fit in with the whole "simplicity" thing, but eh!). What do ya'll recommend? The thing I guess I hate the most about it is that most of my contact with Romanian friends is strictly thru Ringo and Hi5...and I don't really wanna lose that know?
As far as other stuff goes...eesh, it has been a while, hasn't it? Well, since I last blogged a LOT has happened. The biggest thing that's happened is very sad. My FIL passed away in his sleep in early April. Though he'd prepared my MIL and his youngest son for the eventuality of his passing, it came as somewhat of a shock to Brack and I. It's very hard to stand there and watch your husband suffer and know that you can't just make it all better!! I just wish I'd had more of a chance to get to know my FIL, as I still felt like I needed to prove myself to him as a good DIL. It's only been since he passed that I've even really felt like I'd passed the DIL test with my MIL...but she seems to like me pretty well now...and it's always a good thing to get along with MIL's, right?!!
After the death of my FIL, Brack decided that we needed to make an effort to spend more time with both sides of the it seems we've been running around almost every weekend since!! Another trip out to Lubbock, one to East Texas, one up to Oklahoma, a weekend in the metroplex with my bro and his wife, and this weekend is a family reunion for my dad's side of the family!! It does settle down though...thank goodness!! After this weekend I think the next thing planned is 4th of July in we get a few weeks reprieve anyway!!
I actually started a weekend job at Scarborough Rennaissance Faire just before my FIL passed, but only ended up working a pre-faire event and the second weekend. After that, we decided that I needed to at least have my weekends free cause I had also started a nanny job in March, taking care of three little children who (to put it nicely) were challenging!! It was a struggle some days to not let it get to me, and I learned a lot of what parents should not let their kids get away with!! That job ended the Friday before Memorial Day.
The day after Memorial Day I started at my current nanny position and I LOVE it!! The little guy is seven and we spent the last two weeks just hanging out...marathon Monopoly games, lots of craft projects (we built a cardboard castle, two boats out of drinking straws, and a sword and helmet just last week), trips to the library and park, and afternoons at the pool at the country club!! Yes, I did say country club!! I've started getting a nice tan from all that poolside sitting, and am even starting to make some contacts for my future business as a professional organizer!!
Speaking of that, I have set myself a goal that by the end of June I will have things in place to unofficially officially start my organizing business. I've even ordered business cards!! WHEE!! So far I've only organized for family, but I've got a pantry organizing job lined up for Monday morning for a lady that I babysit for...we'll see how that goes and hope that if she's pleased that she'll put the word out!! Anyway, fingers crossed and prayers appreciated!!
And on that more upbeat note, I'll sign out!!Take care, God bless, and have a wondrous weekend!!

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