September-- I started a new job in September...what was supposed to be a temp job for 6-8 weeks...however, I am still working there!! I am a dispatcher for a copy machine company...taking orders and service requests and sending out techs to make repairs. I like this job (good pay, nice co-workers, and not stressful) it'd be nice if they took me on full-time, but I'm not holding my breath!! We shall see what's what in that department sometime in the next couple weeks, I imagine...

October-- Finally got to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival with Brack, David, and Danielle. We camped out..which was an experience!! Already our first night there we were making lists of things to bring "next year" to make our campsite a bit more comfortable!! Danielle and I actually got the guys to go in garb with us for the first day...surprisingly, they got more into garbing than we did, I think!! It looks like we might be checking out a few different ren faires this year and then narrowing it down to going once a year to a family-friendly faire and once a year to a grownups-only faire!!

November-- We were going to make up for our sad shortening of our honeymoon last year (due to migraines and asthma attacks) this year by doing something nice. However, since our anniversary was a race weekend and Brack got free tickets to go...we ended up going to a Nascar race on our anniversary!! Then our plans to spend the next weekend at a froofy hotel fell we ended up just spending a night out on the town!! Ahh, well...maybe a spring trip to Mexico, who knows?!! We ended the month with Thanksgiving in Lubbock with all of Brack's family...such a bunch of cute little nieces and nephews!!

December-- We promoted from the newlywed class to the young marrieds class in Sunday School. We also had a nice dinner and game night with Todd, Leah, David, Jess, and Nate (and baby Maggie, too) about the middle of the month. Christmas weekend itself saw us at the farm with my parents, two youngest siblings, and my sister Melody's little family. Brack got to play uncle to Melody's two rowdy kiddoes--which I'm sure he'll never forget!! We got to see John, Dayana, and little Luke a few days after Christmas at an extended family gathering...which was fun! We were going to go to Austin for New Years with the Faulks, the Pravels, and the Drewas--and I even got New Year's Eve off from work---but then I came down with a nasty bug that kept us home. I ended up falling asleep in the living room, only waking up about 30 seconds before midnight, getting a hug from Brack, then crawling into bed to go back to sleep!! Ahh,'s a new year!!

Speaking of New Years...I don't wanna say that I'm making resolutions, as those usually end up getting broken...but I do wanna put out here for all the web to see...what I am wanting to at least work on a bit this year...
1)Being more organized...not just the house, but my schedule...
2)Eating healthier food...and planning meals out ahead of time...
3)Getting more exercise...going for walks, to the exercise room, and out dancing...
4)Keeping in better touch with people...thru emails, cards, facebook, and xanga...
5)Spending more time with my husband, friends, and books...than with movies and the internet...
6)Getting more excited about God, church, and reading my Bible...
I guess that is about it!! Happy New Year to everyone...and hope this year is the best one yet!!
Currently Listening To: Home by Daughtry
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