Well, I only ended up being jobless for about a week and a half as it turns out. I'd let the staffing place know to be on the lookout for a new job for me before I even left the old one and as it turned out...I left the old job on a Thursday and interviewed for the new job the next Friday and started training for it the very next Monday!! I've been at my new job now for almost two weeks and really like it. I'm a receptionist, so basically just answering the phone and directing calls, with a few other things here and there to do. It also pays a little more than the nurse recruiting job, which is nice. The only downside is the commute...I really don't like driving in city traffic. At least my hours (7:30-4:30) mean that I can miss the worst of the rush-hour traffic, anyway!!
Now, on to the ungrateful wretches part!! I am getting fed up with the attitudes of some people on Crossings toward the moderators. I admit, I think I've probably gotten annoyed at every moderator for something at one point or another (even Brack...hehe)...but I don't go badmouthing them on the forums or accusing them of power-tripping!! I don't know the other mods work schedules or how hectic their life is right now...but just want to say that yesterday was the most stressed I've seen Brack in a long time. They had some computer issues at his office that he spent ALL day (7am-7pm) working on...barely having time to get his own estimating work done...then had to bring one of the work laptops home with him to wipe the harddrive and reinstall everything (which took all evening)...and then on top of all that had to put on his mod hat and deal with 13 pages of whiny people griping about the new rules. (FYI, the mods were already moderating basically according to those rules already...they just wanted to get them out where the general Crossings population could easily find them...so that if there ever was a complaint about something being moderated, they could point to the rules and say that no one had the excuse of not knowing the rules). Today, my poor guy still needs to finish up the computer issues at his office, catch up on all the estimating work he didn't get done yesterday, and go to his second job this evening...on top of continuing to deal with all the Crossings crap!! Give the poor mods a break, you ungrateful little wretches!!
Family stuff...
Steve...he called me from Korea the other day...he and Syrena are doing well, he's going before the sergeant board soon, and he's working on his master's.
John...haven't talked to him lately...but Dayana has posted a few pics...they look happy and healthy...and Luke is really growing!!
Melo...another sib I haven't talked to in a while, but from what I hear, Michael has been able to visit her almost every weekend...usually taking the babies with him so they can see their mama. Hopefully she'll get a permanent assignment soon so their little family can be together again!!
Suz...Suz is in Taiwan, working as an English teacher...check out her xanga blog (SusannaKT). Isn't she a sweetie?
Beka...My other little sis Beka is at HQ...and seems to be enjoying herself as well. I miss her silliness though and want her home soon so she can come visit me!!
Andrew...My "baby" brother Andrew is looking forward to the possibility of a visit to the farm by his buddy Hartmut (our former foster brother).
Mom and Dad are doing well...adjusting from having three kids at home to suddenly just having one!!
My Grandmas...Grandma Buckner and Grandma Seale got to visit about a week ago and Mom said they really enjoyed it. They are both doing okay health-wise, considering Grandma Buckner's age (97) and Grandma Seale's health.
The St. Clair side...Brack's family is all doing well...we got to see all of them about three weeks ago in Lubbock...such a big bunch of little ones running around...5 nieces and 3 nephews...all 5 years old and under!!
That is it...I'm done blogging for today...hopefully though it'll be a bit shorter of a time between now and my next blog entry than between my last one and this one!!
Currently Listening To: Mr Zoot Suit by The Flying Neutrinos