While channel-surfing this morning there was a segment on the news about dumb laws on the books in NYC. Since that cracked me up, I thought I'd post a few dumb laws on my blog here for your enjoyment!!
*It is illegal to enter Wisconsin with a chicken on your head...(I wonder what smartaleck brought about that law?)
*In New York it is illegal for citizens to greet one another by putting one's thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers...(yeah, cause that's how we all say hello!!)
*In Canada it is illegal to climb trees or to pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies...(had to add that one in for the benefit of our friends north of the border!!)
*In Thailand it is illegal to leave the house if you are not wearing underwear...(hmm...some PR ladies should never go to Thailand!!)
*In Alabama it is illegal to wear a false mustache that causes laughter in church...(methinks a false mustache would cause laughter ANYTIME!!)
*In Florida men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown...(but a gown WITH straps is okay?)
*In NYC it is illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs...(get your ass out of the tub!!)
Anyway...that is enough for now!! It is a beautiful day but I have lots to clean and organize indoors today...and premarital counseling papers to fill out...meh!! Laterz!!
Currently Listening To: Star Wars Main Theme (yeah...Brack is rubbing off on me!!)
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