After that we went swimming for like three hours and got completely water-logged!! I got water up my nose and accidentally swallowed some of the chlorinated water...so for the last three days I have had a slight sore throat and sinus issues...but so has Brack and you know how misery loves company!!
We are such an exciting couple...seriously...the last three nights he has been working on some independent contracting stuff on his laptop while I read or watch TV or work on wedding stuff....it makes you wonder why in the world he even bothers to come pick me up every day after work just to sit together in the same room for a few hours and then turn around and take me home...except for the fact that we both just love to spend time together...even while doing our own things!!
Well, here it is, a quarter to twelve and I still have bathrooms to clean and floors to vacuum...and Brack is coming by sometime this afternoon to take me to the post office, cause I gotta mail a package off. Then about 3:30 I have to go pick Makena up from daycare and then it is playtime, and dinner for her, and the last minute straightening before her parents get home. And I think Brack and I are gonna have another exciting evening hanging out on the couch once again while he finishes up the project he is working on...and maybe watching a few more episodes of "Scrubs"....which he is trying to get me addicted to!!
Currently Listening To: Me And My Gang by Rascal Flatts
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