Friday, June 12, 2009

Busy Days...and Not-So-Busy Days...

After my sister's wedding this past weekend I've been alternating between being uber-busy and uber-lazy!!

Monday morning I was up early and fixed breakfast for my sis Melody, my SIL Dayana, and my little nephew Luke. We then spent a little while getting bags together, loading the car, getting to the airport, and trying to find parking!! Dayana and Luke are going to be staying with Melody, her husband Michael, and their kiddoes until my brother John gets back from deployment. We are hoping that Melody won't be getting deployed at all...but especially before John gets back. At least Dayana will be with her brother and Luke will have his double-cousins to play with when they are missing John.

Tuesday I was really busy. I cleaned the house and then I went to the rec center and walked a mile and a half on the treadmill and swam for close to an hour. I went home after that to shower and get ready. I then had a midwife appointment, a chiro appointment, met with Brack for errands and dinner, and then we went back to the birthing center for our second childbirthing class. Whew!!

After the busy weekend and two days of going I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING!! So Wednesday and Thursday I pretty much just did general straightening around the house and lazed around otherwise...getting some extra sleep and watching stuff on Netflix.

Today I still feel a bit zonked, but am trying to be a little more industrious. I did get some meal planning and grocery lists done up yesterday and Brack and I went to the store last night. So today I have some roasts cooking in the crockpot for future meals. I have a few things planned to mix up and/or cook today...and we will see just how far I can get before I get wiped out!!

Here's what I hope to make today: Mexican Meat Mix (to freeze), Pinto Bean Mix (for tonight's menu and to freeze), Brownie Mix (for future desserts), Snack Cake Mix (for future desserts)...all from the Make a Mix cookbook. Also, I want to make some granola, full meal muffins, and baked oatmeal...for eating in the next few days and weeks. Tonight's menu will be South of the Border Vegetarian Bake and Pluckit for dessert...both recipes made from mixes in the Make a Mix cookbook. Hopefully they turn out yummy!! Edit as of you can see, I didn't get it all done (the strikeouts are what DID get done), but I'm pretty satisfied with what I did get done...and I'm pretty tired out, so hopefully I'll sleep well tonight!!

Anyway, so that's my plan for today. Tomorrow the only thing I'm planning for is my baby shower brunch in the morning...and Brack is gonna grill for dinner tomorrow night, so I won't have to mess with too much cooking. Sunday is gonna be a total rest day after we get home from church...and I'm gonna enjoy that before the week starts in (especially since I'm gonna try to start walking every day to be in shape for labor when Edmund decides to come)!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beka's Wedding

My youngest sister Rebekah got married last Sunday. It's hard for me to think of her as a married woman, since many of my most vivid memories of her are when she was a little tomboy whose antics earned her the nickname of "Monkey"!! I can remember like it was yesterday when she was 4 or 5 and she scared the living daylights out of my mom by climbing up the rope swing in our backyard to the branch that was even with our second floor windows and hanging off the branch!! Then when she was a little older, maybe around eight or so, she would literally climb the walls in the narrow hallway outside the bedrooms and scare people by peeking in the windows that were above the doors!!

Christmas Sprite dizzy Cutsa

But now she is married at the young age of eighteen and a half...just out of high school. Her husband Ryan is 22 and is even taller than Brack, though just as thin as Brack was before marriage filled him out a wee bit!! She made a beautiful bride (looked just like Mom did when she was a young bride).

becuta wedding 4 becuta wedding 7

becuta wedding 1 Mom & Dad wedding

My brother Steve came to the wedding with his wife Syrena and their new little guy Caedryn (what a cutie)!! My sis Melody was able to fly down for the wedding, and my SIL Dayana and her little guy Luke were there as well. Unfortunately the military had to be ornery as usual, so my brother John was unable to come. Seems like the military make it their job to always keep at least one sibling out of the mix whenever there is a family function!! But all in all, it was a nice weekend and a beautiful wedding.

caedryn becuta wedding 2

luke becuta wedding 3

I will come back to edit this with a few more pictures once I can snag some pics that have me and Brack, my mom and dad, Steve and Syrena, and Andrew in them...somehow I didn't get many pics!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


It's been a while...much has happened lately. Guess I just skipped right over May with the blogging!! Here's a few highlights to catch people up!!

I started having midwife appointments every two weeks from the beginning of May and now I've started chiro appointments as well. I also got a combo pool/rec center pass for our town and have started walking and will start swimming once the pool opens next week to try to keep in decent shape for the birth and after.

We ended up skipping church on Mother's Day because Brack started having some bad asthma attacks (which had not been happening here in the metroplex before) so he went to an allergist a few days ago and we are hoping the meds they gave him will help clear things up.

My friend Jess Martin has started her photography business and took some preggie pics for me about mid-May. I think they turned out rather well and I've actually grabbed one for my pic here on this blog. Check out her blog here and see some more of her work!!

I am no longer nannying. I finished up with the kids the week they got out from school and will not be nannying them again till at least January. I will miss them a lot, as they are such sweeties, but we will definately keep in touch.

My birthday was very good. I had a midwife appointment that morning so I got to hear Edmund's little heartbeat again. That night Brack took me to Fry's and got me a little digital camera so that I'll be able to catch cute pics and vids of Edmund...even when we are out and not hauling our big camera around. He then took me to eat at a Peruvian restaurant that we hadn't been to before. It was so yummy and they had the BEST chicha morada I've ever tasted!!

Last Saturday we ended up being double-booked!! Our neighborhood had its very first block party and I got to re-meet a few of our neighbors that I met way back last well as meet some new ones. We were only able to stay at the block party for about an hour and a half though, as we had to scram for a birthday party...getting there just in time to see the candles get blown out on the cake!! Todd and Leah's little girl Maggie had a blowout party for her second birthday and it was a lot of fun. She is such a little doll!!

My sis Melody flew in the other day and I got to hang out with her for a little over a day before my dad picked her up to take to East Texas. I hadn't seen her since Christmas '07, so it was good to spend a little one-on-one time with her before the big family hoopla of this weekend. I was just sad she couldn't bring her kiddoes (Josiah and Lydia) with her.

Oh yeah...this weekend is my baby sister Beka's wedding. A bunch of my relatives will be there and Steve and Syrena will be there with my new baby nephew Caedryn who I can't wait to meet!! I can't believe my baby sis is getting married, but I'm happy she's found the guy she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

Edmund's room is only partially ready to go. We still need to get a dresser to be set furniture-wise and I still need to do a little sewing to get curtains and a crib skirt done. The decorative stuff for the walls is mostly ready to go,'s just a matter of getting it ON the walls.

We just started childbirthing classes on Tuesday...once a week now for three more weeks. The reality of just how close we are to seeing little Edmund and the reality of childbirth are both staring me in the face now. I am still determined to have a natural childbirth at home, but having a child is uncharted territory for me and I'm a wee bit freaked!!

I guess that's all I can think of right now off the top of my head, so there ya go!! I guess I'm all caught up now. I just need to be a bit more consistent with the blogging. I am sure that once Edmund arrives though I will probably be clogging up this blog with all kinds of posts...even if they are simply picture posts of my cute kid!!

Tryazon Strictly Briks Party

In the middle of all the busyness that was the month of November I was chosen to host a Tryazon party for Strictly Briks. We got our party k...