After my sister's wedding this past weekend I've been alternating between being uber-busy and uber-lazy!!
Monday morning I was up early and fixed breakfast for my sis Melody, my SIL Dayana, and my little nephew Luke. We then spent a little while getting bags together, loading the car, getting to the airport, and trying to find parking!! Dayana and Luke are going to be staying with Melody, her husband Michael, and their kiddoes until my brother John gets back from deployment. We are hoping that Melody won't be getting deployed at all...but especially before John gets back. At least Dayana will be with her brother and Luke will have his double-cousins to play with when they are missing John.
Tuesday I was really busy. I cleaned the house and then I went to the rec center and walked a mile and a half on the treadmill and swam for close to an hour. I went home after that to shower and get ready. I then had a midwife appointment, a chiro appointment, met with Brack for errands and dinner, and then we went back to the birthing center for our second childbirthing class. Whew!!
After the busy weekend and two days of going I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING!! So Wednesday and Thursday I pretty much just did general straightening around the house and lazed around otherwise...getting some extra sleep and watching stuff on Netflix.
Today I still feel a bit zonked, but am trying to be a little more industrious. I did get some meal planning and grocery lists done up yesterday and Brack and I went to the store last night. So today I have some roasts cooking in the crockpot for future meals. I have a few things planned to mix up and/or cook today...and we will see just how far I can get before I get wiped out!!
Here's what I hope to make today: Mexican Meat Mix (to freeze), Pinto Bean Mix (for tonight's menu and to freeze), Brownie Mix (for future desserts), Snack Cake Mix (for future desserts)...all from the Make a Mix cookbook. Also, I want to make some granola, full meal muffins, and baked oatmeal...for eating in the next few days and weeks. Tonight's menu will be South of the Border Vegetarian Bake and Pluckit for dessert...both recipes made from mixes in the Make a Mix cookbook. Hopefully they turn out yummy!! Edit as of you can see, I didn't get it all done (the strikeouts are what DID get done), but I'm pretty satisfied with what I did get done...and I'm pretty tired out, so hopefully I'll sleep well tonight!!
Anyway, so that's my plan for today. Tomorrow the only thing I'm planning for is my baby shower brunch in the morning...and Brack is gonna grill for dinner tomorrow night, so I won't have to mess with too much cooking. Sunday is gonna be a total rest day after we get home from church...and I'm gonna enjoy that before the week starts in (especially since I'm gonna try to start walking every day to be in shape for labor when Edmund decides to come)!!