Monday, May 12, 2008

Organizing a Teenage Girl's Bedroom!!

As I stated in a previous post today, it has been rather hectic the last two months with lots going on!! One weekend, about two weeks ago, we went to my parents old house in the country. (To read about my goal of helping them get that house in decent shape, please visit my A Missionary Journey blog).

The big project that weekend was to help my sister get her room organized. I have to admit that organizing and keeping things organized is not something she's good at naturally!! She really needed some help to clear out unnecessary stuff and to get the rest organized in a neat fashion.

We started out about 11am and didn't finish till just after 10:30pm with only a few breaks here and there...but I think it was worth it and turned out pretty great...what do you think? Here are the before and after pics!!









Revolution Money Exchange

Have you heard of this? It is somewhat like Paypal, only you don't have to pay fees. It is super simple and safe to use. Plus, if you sign up right now before May 15th, you will automatically get $25 credited to your account and I get $$ to for referring you. Why are they doing this, you ask? Well, the program is still in beta and they are wanting to get the word what do you have to lose? Yet you can gain $25 even if you never use the program again!! So give it a shot!! If you do decide to sign up, please do so by clicking on the link here on my that I get the referral $$. Thanks!!

Some Past Shopping Savings

I realize it has been a long time since my last blog post, but between dealing with the flu, a new nanny job, my FIL passing away, a friend's wedding, and all the weekend trips to spend time with both sides of the family...I admit, blogging was not very high on my priority list. This last weekend was pretty much the only "downtime" we've had in a while...and I even babysat both Saturday and Sunday nights, so it still wasn't totally restful!! It looks to be rather busy for the next month as well, with my bro and his wife moving back to Texas from Korea (where he's been stationed for the last three years) this weekend, plus a birthday or two, a couple of family reunions, and my husband's work retreat...but I thought I'd try to catch up a bit before the whole whirlwind of activity catches back up!!

This post is mostly gonna be a brag. I don't remember the exact prices on some of the items, and the deals I made are long gone, so it won't help you to rush out to make the same deals!! I hope that once I get back into the habit of blogging that I will be able to post some awesome current deals for my readers though!!

Way back, not too long after my last post, I managed to get a few deals. My first trip out to snag some deals that I actually could work got me three big bags of chocolates and a big bottle of mouthwash for under $6 at CVS...not bad for starters, but I could do better, I was sure. I also snagged five cans kitty food and some treats for around $1.50 total at Petsmart. Pretty cool!!


My next foray was just before being hit with the flu...and it was a good thing I'd stocked up!! I got four cans of chicken noodle soup and four cans of chicken broth, plus two toothbrushes and a lollipop (just for fun). After ECB's (extra care bucks)...I think I spent a total of about $4.50!!


We had just recovered from the flu when my FIL passed away...and then there was a friend's wedding, so it was a while before I ventured out to score another deal. The next one was one I just couldn't pass by!! I had coupons for Arm and Hammer detergent and CVS was selling them BOGO one week!! I managed to snag the only bottles of the Sensitive Skin formula that they had and walked out of there with four bottles!! After ECB's I paid a total of $2.81!! Better and better, no?


This past week I decided to use some very good coupons for cereal. I stopped off at a Walmart Neighborhood Market and bought one box. The cereal was $3.12 at the market and my coupon was for $ I paid 12 cents for it. I was a little disappointed that I had to pay anything for it, as the coupon was so good, so I held off using the second coupon. On Saturday I headed out shopping with my husband. At Target I surprised him by being able to walk out of the store with 40 Lipton on-the-go packets for FREE!! (I'd used $1 off Lipton Target coupons and there were little baggies of 4 packets for just under a dollar near the registers). At Walmart I was able to use a $1 off coupon on the Kotex that were priced at $1 and then found that my cereal was actually marked down to $2.50 at the I used my coupon on another box. With the other purchases that day, it actually worked out that the 12 cent cost of the first box was more than absorbed when the second box was check out this picture of what all I got for FREE this past week!!


Anyway, so there is my brag. I can't say that I'm in with the big girls just yet...not when I still can't brag about my WHOLE shopping expedition...but I'm definitely getting better at this whole grocery thing!! I hope to be able as I continue blogging to pass on some deals to my readers while they are still that you may also have great deals to brag about!! Pray for me, that God will bless my endeavors to live simply and frugally, and that I can then pass the blessings on!!

Tryazon Strictly Briks Party

In the middle of all the busyness that was the month of November I was chosen to host a Tryazon party for Strictly Briks. We got our party k...