I did manage to do a little walk-through of the place to see what things might need to be done as far as fixing it up or arranging of furniture to make it look nice AND fit all the necessary stuff into the place. I will most likely need to ask around with some of the families from church to see if there is someone who wouldn't mind letting me store my huge rubbermaid storage containers in their attic or basement...cause even if I can fit all the STUFF into the place...I have nowhere to put the empty containers!!
But anyway, it looks as if this little place will really work out well. Even though it is on the edge of the city and therefore a longer distance for friends to come...it is right around the corner from the bus stop...so it will still work. And after discussing the sitch with the parental units and my someone I am thinking I may just stay on in the efficiency till future plans are known. It will definately save in the finances department...as the efficiency is less than half of what the other apartment would be!!
In other news...my family is moving back to Romania!! Yes...Mom, Dad, Beka, and Andrew will be here by the end of the second week in May. It is still up in the air as to whether Suz will be joining the fam this time around...as she is finishing school and wanting to head off to college in Cali this fall...but I think I may have convinced her to at least come for an awesome summer adventure of camps and so forth!! Since the fam is coming and Beka will have to leave her beloved Cinders and Zoe behind with a good home...I will have someone to pass Starbucks and Hayley on to fairly soon after moving to the efficiency...which is good. I have no idea how it would be for a very long time with TWO cats in that place with me...much as I love em!!
Well, there is more news forthcoming...but I will leave that for another time...as things are still not completely settled in that respect!! Stay tuned to my saga!!
Currently Listening To: It's Not Just Me by Rascal Flatts