I want to apologize for not being a bit more faithful to keeping this blog up to date...that being said, at least I am trying!!
As you can see, the title for this entry does not match with the picture. The picture was taken last week when it snowed a LOT!! Fortunately, the very next day it began to melt off. Spring is on its way...but with some days warmer with a blue sky and sun, and other days with grey skies and more of a nip in the air. Today is one of the grey days!!
Please keep me in your prayers as I have been having headaches and migraines more frequently. I bought some homeopathic stuff the other day..hoping it will help. I'm also gonna see about having my parents send me some more Excedrine migraine medicine. If they continue I may need to go to the doctor here. Please pray that the headaches clear up soon.
I am keeping busy with English classes. I now have a regular schedule...requiring me to be at the English school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9am to 1pm and on Tuesdays from around 11am to 1pm. We will be having a bowling night with all the students this Saturday...a chance for us to get to know our students better and open up opportunities to share Christ in a non-threatening environment. Many of our students are white-collar workers, mostly middle-aged, who have been raised as nominal Orthodox, so we have to tread carefully as we share our beliefs.
I also have been continuing with the two programs for orphans with Livada Orphan Care...Saturdays at the girls home in Zau and Mondays at the boys home in Petelea. These children are so fun and sweet!! Last Saturday at Zau when some of the older girls were playing a game I was able to take 3-4 younger ones off to the side and color with them and had so much fun talking and laughing with them. Monday we played "hot balloon" at the boys home in Petelea...hilarious!!
I haven't had a youth night in a while, but hope to really get started with things once I move at the end of March. My roommate Meg is heading back home to the US, so I am taking this opportunity to search for a better apartment. I am willing to pay what we are paying now for a two bedroom apartment and pay that for a one bedroom...as long as it is a better apartment and better furnished. Going six months with no refrigerator, no stove except a gas hotplate, and no way to wash clothes is a long time!! I really want to find a place a little more centrally located that's furnished at least with a stove, fridge, couch bed, carpets, and a wardrobe...and hopefully a washer too!! If the apartment doesn't have a washer, then I may have to buy one...but I at least want the apartment to have a stove and fridge!!
Once the apartment situation is resolved then I will be having the youth nights once a week, and will be starting a girls club and a beginning English class...both to meet once a week. I have some materials for the girls club and the English class and am really looking forward to getting them started.
Well, I'm gonna close this entry out...my head is hurting and I think I will take a nap...thank the Lord for days off!! God bless!!